a moment of wallowing self pity

My original plan for the evening involved attending a party at the acclaimed Osteria del Circo, sponsored by the equally acclaimed Ikon Model Management. Such parties are always a good time, as they not only feature really hot girls, but also allow me to hone my Napoleonic charm in the most difficult of environments. (Me: 5’6″; models: 5’10”; phone numbers: Inexplicably, yes.)

Instead, however, I’ll be lying at home, drunk off Nyquil and sipping chicken soup. I managed to get myself sick over the weekend, and have spent all day at work too hoarse to use the phone and brain too full of snot to send productive emails. (Which may, in retrospect, explain my fascination with the ads cited in the prior post). None the less, I have an exceedingly quick metabolism, so I suspect that by tomorrow things will be looking up. And yes, mom, I took some Echinacea.