For the past week, I’ve been utterly and completely overwhelmed by life. Between Bobby’s wedding, a cousin’s bat mitzvah, my parents and brother being in town for both events, and the extended process of wrangling tax returns for all of Paradigm Blue’s sub-companies, I’ve simply had no time to do the many, many other things I had hoped to fit into the week. I’ve been dropping balls left and right, constantly trying to clean the mess of those balls dropped, and overall nearing the point of admitting defeat and curling in corner in the fetal position, rocking quietly.
Now, however, having given up sleeping and going to the bathroom to free up time, I’ve finally begun to catch back up rather than fall continually farther and farther behind. The insanity, it seems, has peaked, and I’m finally gaining momentum on the long downhill slope back to the merely painful (as opposed to the current, suicidal) level of overcommitment that defines my life.