
For years and years, I managed my to-do list in a collection of text files. And, as a dyed-in-the-wool nerd, that worked excellently for me. I leaned on my text editor and a series of scripts to slice and dice with ease.

But as my daily schedule changed, my device usage did, too; I found myself away from my laptop, working solely from my iPad and phone, for even whole days at a time. I auditioned a slew of text editor apps, but could never find a way to make things work even a fraction as well as I had before.

So, about five years back, I switched over to Todoist. Its handling of recurring tasks, and its powerful Boolean filters, got me quickly back to where I’d been in my text-file days.

Still, my to-do list tends to be looooong. So, when I decided to make 2020 a year of focus, I knew I needed to bring in reinforcements. Based on a slew of positive reviews, I downloaded Streaks, and set it up with a handful of my most important habits (including counting Pomodoros spent on my big project for the day).

Obviously, four days into the year, it’s a bit early to tell. But, thus far, it seems like it just might be the boost I need to make my 2020 consistent, and consistently good.