
This month, I’m taking Self-Aggrandizement beyond mere words, and into the brave new world of multimedia. In particular, look shortly for:

– A new episode of the (long-hibernating) F. Scott & Friends Bourbon and Brylcreem Hour, with the inimitable Sarah Brown.

– A narrated slideshow version of my upcoming Paleo fitness talk, “Caveman Lessons on Performing Better, Living Longer, and Looking Good Naked.” (As it’s fairly long, I may be posting it in a couple of installments)

– A series of videos stemming from that talk. First up, one looking at how to sit better (so you can maintain something at least vaguely close to good posture while you’re at your desk or in a car), and another demonstrating three simple hip stretches you can do on your couch to conquer back and knee pain.

Stay tuned.