Bloody Virus
As I was recently reading about the disparate COVID-19 risk of different blood types, I realized that I don’t actually know my own.
Jess is 0+, which fortunately puts her at lowered risk. My parents, who I called for any insights / memories from my childhood, are unfortunately riskier types A and B. They also didn’t know my type. And, given theirs, I could literally be any of the four: A, B, AB, or O.
So, not at all sure what this research means for me in the short term. But, in the slightly longer term, it’s definitely put ‘donate blood’ on my to-do list. Both because it’s a good thing to do, and because (more selfishly) it’s probably my best route for figuring that out.
Still, between being type 0, and being both younger and female-er than me, I at least now know Jess should be at substantially lower risk overall. I initially thought about suggesting that meant she should be the one who heads out to check our mail and pick up packages. Though I vetoed that idea pretty quickly, as I realized doing so might provide an even more immediate risk to my health.