A few weeks back, I wrote that I was thinking about taking a month and moving somewhere other than New York, for no real reason other than that I could. And while I threw out a number of possibilities – New Orleans, Vancouver, Rome – a small Arab town in the far north of Israel wasn’t really on the list.
None the less, it appears that’s what’s on the slate – on rather short notice, I’ll be headed off to Sakhnin, a small village deep in the heart of the Galilee, for about a month.
I wasn’t, at first, thrilled about that, but the more I’ve marinated in the fact of the trip, the more excited I’ve become. Sure, given the choice, I’d have had a bit more time to prep, to temporarily close out the loose ends of my New York life. But, in the end, there’s very little I won’t be able to push forward by email and phone.
So, consider this official notice. By the end of the week, this blog will switch from a collection of the misadventures of a young New Yorker, to a collection of the misadventures of a young New Yorker who just happens to be living in Middle-of-Nowhere, Israel. If only just for a month.
Assuming I can get all the internet access stuff worked out, blogging should continue (relatively) uninterrupted. Though, as early disclaimer, I should point out that drastic change of scene doesn’t always help ongoing programming; just think of Saved by the Bell: The College Years.