Valentine’s Day

Through the first, long, home-bound stretch of the pandemic, I was actually relatively productive. Despite the weirdness of the world, I at least had a ton of time to get things done. And so, for the most part, I did.
Then, in early September, we got a puppy. Also in early September, gyms re-opened in NYC. And also also in early September, Jess started on a second Master’s degree at Columbia. At which point, my productivity kind of went to shit.
With the option to do so, I decided to reboot in-person beta-testing for A3. But because our gym is in Midtown, and I still don’t really trust subways, that meant I’d be biking back and forth – about 20 minutes each way, if I crank hard. Further, though I’d previously spent stretches of time between clients working in my office there, I wanted to minimize any unnecessary time in public spaces. So, if I had more than an hour between sessions, I decided I’d bike back home. Finally, though Jess is at home throughout the day at the moment – Columbia’s grad programs are temporarily all-virtual – she’s largely stuck in front of the computer, classing in Zoom. Which also means, at least during the day, I serve as dog-walker-in-chief.
On particularly rough days, I’m out the door at 6:00am, and going nonstop until 7:30pm, with three separate trips to and from Midtown, twice as many poop loops around the block with an impatient puppy, and whatever work I do manage squeezed into odd 15 and 30-minute pockets of free time. As a result, a bunch of stuff has gotten pushed to the back burner. And, apparently, that includes blogging.
Nonetheless, I’d love to again wedge in at least intermittent posting, and will be doing my best over the weeks ahead. Though, as my calendar looks increasingly packed, and as there’s a small dog staring at me meaningfully even as I type this right now, it seems that may be a challenge indeed.