work overload
In the immortal words of Homer Simpson (as spoken to Ned Flanders):
“Busy now. Go to Hell.”
In the immortal words of Homer Simpson (as spoken to Ned Flanders):
“Busy now. Go to Hell.”
You know your new haircut is on the short side when your head feels noticeably colder on the walk home.
I sat down to write a light, funny piece about Valentine’s Day and love and whatever else. And as I was just piecing it together in my head, an email appeared in my inbox from one of my very closest friends, who’s living abroad, saying that she had this morning been sexually assaulted.
While I immediately wrote her back, I didn’t really know what to say, or do. At Yale, on separate occasions, I was the first person two other close female friends told after they were date-raped. And I didn’t really know what to say or do then either, except to listen, and hug, and listen more.
But I can’t hug someone thousands of miles away. Without a telephone where she’s living, and only sporadic access to an internet cafe, I can’t even listen, and I can only occasionally read. I cannot possibly imagine how she feels right now, but I know I’m both terrified and enraged on her behalf.
It was because of my other two friends that I started teaching women’s self defense; because of this friend, I’ll be returning to doing so. There are far too many terrible things in this world for me to even begin to comprehend. And, at the same time, there is far too little love.
So remember that this Valentine’s Day: while we should never stop trying to rid the world of those terrible things, we should also never stop trying to fill it with more love.
Here’s wishing a safe, happy, love-filled Valentine’s Day to all of you out there in the ether,
Colin and James, on our living room couch.
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Someone made it to this site yesterday with the Google search query “ninja spoon kill whole village diner movie”. And I’m really sorry I don’t have a copy of that movie, because goddamn would I like to see something like that.
With the HKMoCD fully digitized, self-aggrandizement returns to its usual drudgery.
Two items I would have blogged about, but didn’t as the site was museumified, though it was probably just as well since they aren’t actually all that interesting anyway:
1. While washing dishes, it occurred to me suddenly that Diagon Alley, Harry Potter’s stomping ground and the home of such fine purveyors as Flourish & Blotts and Gringott’s Wizarding Bank, was a play on the word “diagonally”. About five years to figure that out; yes, I’m a quick one.
2. Also after having neglected to head to the dentist (due to moving, starting Cyan, etc.) for about 18 months, and, frankly, having taken rather poor care of my teeth during that time in general, I finally hit the dentist, fully expecting the worst. Miraculously, I walked away not only cavity-free, but having been praised for my obviously careful and diligent dental hygiene habits. Out of guilt, I have resolved to start flossing regularly. (Or, at least, to purchase dental floss.)
Scouring the web for suitable links for the Salmagundi sidebar last night, I stumbled across this bit of Peeps research. Unlike the Peeps experimentation linked previously, which largely focused on research performed on Peeps, the newly discovered work instead explores the ability of Peeps to actually perform research themselves.
Needless to say, I was thrilled by the site. And, apparently, I’m not the only one inexplicably fascinated by the little marshmallowy suckers. Yet, as a Jew (and, therefore, growing up having never received an Easter basket), I’d never had occasion to actually taste a Peep.
Until, that is, yesterday morning. My parents, in a standard display of insanity, FedExed out from California an assortment of trick-or-treat candy; coincidentally enough, the box included Halloween-friendly Ghost Peeps and Pumpkin Peeps.
After chewing my way through both boxes, I can officially conclude: they’re damned tasty. Perhaps tasty in a “so bad they’re good” kind of way, but damned tasty none the less.
I now have about a third as much hair as I did yesterday. Though, on the plus side, I’m a week into regrowing the beard, so it sort of all balances out.
Yes, after the wild whirlwind adventure of the Toronto Film Festival, I’m back in NYC, and back to blogging primarily here, rather than on Cyan’s site. Try to contain your excitement.
I think I finally see a light at the end of this tunnel of work. Either that or the headlamp of an oncoming train.