note to self:

After several years of cutting caffeine from your diet, suddenly drinking several cups of strongly brewed coffee will apparently keep you up all night long.

ethical dilemma

If you really, really have to pee, and your roommate is taking an exceedingly extended shower in your apartment’s only bathroom, how unacceptable is it for you to pee in the sink?

how to lose readers

On the heels of Wednesday’s dumb joke come two wildly inappropriate ones. My apologies in advance:

Q. What’s worse than finding a worm in your apple?
A. The Holocaust.

Q. What’s better than winning a gold medal at the Special Olympics?
A. Not being retarded.

dumb joke

Q. What do you call cheese that doesn’t belong to you?
A. Nacho cheese.

[courtesy of long-standing friend Jenny Meyer]

where’s the punchline?

An American, a Canadian, an Israeli, a Nigerian and a Swede walk into a German bar. After a few rounds of drinks, they decide to stay for dinner.

[Ed. Note: Yes, I know that isn’t funny; but it’s what I actually did last night.]

the best and brightest

Though, over time, I’ve progressed closer and closer to a Good Will Hunting view of education (“You wasted $150,000 on an education you coulda got for a buck fifty in late charges at the public library.”), occasionally I’m hit with a pang of ivory tower remorse. Perhaps, I catch myself thinking, there is something to be gained from time in the world of academia. Perhaps heading back for a PhD would be a noble, worthwhile pursuit that would enrich…

And then, at that point, just as such thoughts crescendo to their most feverish pitch, I fortunately and inevitably come across something like this.